Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is my diagram of the Trinty Network. The tour we recieved of the Server Room in Halsell was very interesting and helpfull in making this diagram. My favorite part of the tour was learning about how connections to the internet are made on the Trinty campus.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tech Tip

The tech tip I found most helpful had to do with clearing junk out of my computor. Joe Hatch said to clear my recyle bin and reset the browser on my mac as often as possible to keep my computer running faster.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

I enjoyed reading the blogs of all of my classmates and especially learning som many interesting things about their lives. I comment on Nicole's blog and Tori's blog because i found things in common with them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi my name is Emily and i'm from Nacogdoches, Texas. Most of my life has been spent at the swimming pool mainly as a 12 year competitive swimmer and also as a lifeguard, swim lesson instructor, and swim coach. Most of my other time has been spent in the kitchen, baking. During high school i ran a business out of my kitchen making desserts and specialty cakes for peoples events. Now that I am at Trinity I am a full time student with an intended biology major and a biomathematics minor. I have been using computers my whole life and in high school i took a basic computer skills class to fulfill requirements, however, I am still not especially skilled with computers. You can email me here.