Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi my name is Emily and i'm from Nacogdoches, Texas. Most of my life has been spent at the swimming pool mainly as a 12 year competitive swimmer and also as a lifeguard, swim lesson instructor, and swim coach. Most of my other time has been spent in the kitchen, baking. During high school i ran a business out of my kitchen making desserts and specialty cakes for peoples events. Now that I am at Trinity I am a full time student with an intended biology major and a biomathematics minor. I have been using computers my whole life and in high school i took a basic computer skills class to fulfill requirements, however, I am still not especially skilled with computers. You can email me here.


  1. Wonderful blog (green's my favorite color, so good choice). I love baking; that's so cool that you made money off of it. What's your favorite dessert to make? I'm a fan of raspberry key lime pie myself.

  2. your picture is really cute!im also a bio major and im also thinking about minoring in biomathematics! i agree with you on the basic computer skills just to get by.

  3. Your business sounds delicious - what a nice introduction! Welcome to the class :)
