Monday, April 12, 2010

My Photo That Lies

For my pictures that lie assignment I chose to alter a picture of a criminal lineup. I found the picture while searching on google. The ppicture was manipulated by replacing the heads of some of the criminals in the lineup with items that are harmful to the environment. Then everything but the manipulated men was reduced in saturation to a black and white image. The caption environmental enemies was then placed under the men. I did this to make a point about pollution. I believe that polluting the environment is a crime and that environmental enemies are public enemies. By making the environmentl enemies colored I meant to show them standing out from just other average criminals in the lineup. I do not believe that my changes were harmful because I used it for a completely different purpose than the origonal image."The Photographic Society of America defines creative photography as the use of altered reality. in an image. The PSA Exhibition Standards require that the photographic content of the image must predominate." I believe that my picture upholds this idea of creative photaography because a large percentage of the altered photograph is still from the origonal.

McTighe, Elena. "Thinking Creatively." PSA Journal 75.9 (2009): 23-25. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.

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